Vicarious Resilience
** This email is being sent on behalf of Dr. Benjamin Roebuck and Diana McGlinchey, Victimology Research Centre, Algonquin College, Ottawa.**
To victim service providers across Canada,
Thank you for all you do to make Canada a safer and kinder place.
We invite you to participate in a national study on the well-being of service providers and volunteers working with victims and survivors of crime in Canada. Victim Services and Vicarious Resilience is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and led by the Victimology Research Centre at Algonquin College, in partnership with the Victim Justice Network (VJN), Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (CRCVC), and multiple partner organizations across the country.
Vicarious Resilience develops when service providers learn from their clients’ positive coping skills, problem-solving, and courage, which can foster personal growth. This project will result in a toolkit that highlights helpful resources and identifies best practices for worker wellness. We will also release brief reports highlighting findings from different sectors, such as domestic violence shelters, sexual assault centres, child and youth advocacy centres, restorative justice programs, and victim services (community, police, or court-based).
Online Survey
The survey takes 20-25 minutes to complete and asks about your well-being, job satisfaction, how your organization makes you feel vicarious resilience, strategies for self-care, and l. The information gathered will help to advocate for better funding and wellness resources for people working with victims and survivors of crime.
Please consider participating in the survey and share it with your colleagues!
The survey is available in English [click here] or French [click here]
To join our study, participants must be:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be an employee or volunteer working with victims or survivors of crime in Canada
Follow-up Interviews
After the survey, if you would like to participate in a research interview to explore the themes in more depth, please contact us at:
Thank you so much.
Benjamin Roebuck
Research Chair & Professor of Victimology, PhD
Victimology Research Centre
Diana McGlinchey
Research Manager
Victimology Research Centre