Peter Sampaio
Сo-founder and Executive Lead of the Victim Justice Network.
Peter Sampaio is the co-founder and Executive Lead of the Victim Justice Network. Peter has made significant contributions to the justice sector in various roles with the Ontario Public Service since 1996. From 2001 to 2004, Peter was a Senior Advisor with the Office for Victims of Crime in Ontario and worked on high profile victim-centred projects.
From 2004 to 2010, Peter served as a Corporate Manager at the Ontario Victim Services Secretariat, Ministry of Attorney General and co-led a number of innovative initiatives in the victim services sector, including the development of a Provincial Strategy to address Child Exploitation and Abuse on the Internet.
From 2010-17 Peter has served as the Community Liaison at the Roy McMurtry Youth Centre (RMYC), Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) Ontario. In 2017-18, Peter acted as the Manager of the Mental Health and Specialized Client Services Unit in the Youth Justice Services Division, MCYS in Toronto, Ontario.
Peter is currently the Manager of the Program Implementation and Evaluation Unit in the Direct Operated Facilities Branch in Youth Justice Division, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario.
Peter holds a Master’s Degree in Judicial Administration from Brock University, a Master’s Degree and Honours B.A. Degree in Political Science from York University.